Best IDE's and Text Editor for software development !!

What should you choose IDE or a Text Editor ?

 First we have to know what is an IDE and a text editor is !!

 IDE(Integrated Development Environment) :

An IDE(Integrated Development Environment) is a software tool that will allow the programmers to write code , build and execute them !! A typical IDE contains a Build Automation Tools,Auto completion or IntelliSense,Debugger and much more.......!!
Examples : Visual Studio , Pycharm , Eclipse , Net Beans etc......

Text Editors:

On the other hand a Text Editor , is simply a software that allows you to write texts on it , make some changes and update it. It also allows you to store but it doesn't help you to debug the code or even compile it !!The only cool thing is you can write whatever program you want to be at a simple markup language like HTML5 to ruby and much more !!
Example: Vim,Notepad++,Sublime Text,Emacs,Brackets,GNU nano,WordPad etc....

So what's your taste and which one you should use !!?? Well that's up-to you !!!

If you are someone , who wants to develop faster applications,software and have more productivity that's available in the market and has less time spending on customizing , then you should choose IDE's as your primary tool for building better and faster applications !!

If you are someone who is challenging and want to build your own stuff for writing code and develop tools that help you write one and also has a lot of time in improving your tools , then you should join with some Text Editors that are available in the market . Like VIM and Emacs that's alive from 25 years............ and will be forever...It's not that Text Editors don't have all those fancy stuff that an IDE has it's true that even they do have it for example Sublime Text and Atom IDE which you can modify it and customize like crazy !!

So that being said here is our top picks for you to choose your best tool for coding !!

For Beginners

 Sublime Text

 This is the best choice if you are just starting out with any kind of software development be it a web based application or a python script !!
Sublime Text has got you covered , it's a truly light weight source code editor that can literally blaze through any PC with minimal requirements!!



For Mediocre


  This is only recommend for those of you who loves to challenge their skills and ready to face anything on their adventure !! Cause atom is just not a text editor it's the 21st centuries charm tool that can do get you the out the most !!
It's developed by GitHub and a subsidiary of Microsoft , also it's a cross platform open source tool !! Mainly recommended for web development , but can be hacked to work for python also !!


For advance/For dev's

Visual Studio Code 

 A cross platform , open source editor that fits your PC pocket and blazes through the horizon to make you and your code better and best !! Has a lot of fancy features like the Code IntelliSense , Build Automation Tools , Advance Debugger , Git commands built in , fully customizable and much more !!! Choose this for your advancement !!


So that's it guys , hope it helps you in choosing the right tool for your software dev journey!!

Thank You!





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